
Welcome to The Curtain Call: Where Music and Web Design Take Center Stage!

Brie Louise Zimmerman

I'm Brie – your guide behind the scenes. From singing opera to crafting web designs on Showit, I'm all about using my creativity. Join my newsletter, The Curtain Call, where I dish out harmonious tips for singers, share the secrets of impactful design, and sprinkle in a bit of eco-living wisdom. Let's hit the right notes, craft mesmerizing visuals, and celebrate the encore of sustainable living. Ready to take a bow with me?

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Embrace Your Unique Creative Voice: Breaking Free from the Comparison Trap

Hey there, Reader! I was working on some of my song repertoire for a music project and I decided that I wanted to share what I was working on - imperfect moments and all. It was honestly really scary for me because at that moment I was dealing with some inflammation issues and I knew that my voice wasn't at its best, but I made the decision to share it anyway. And then this got me thinking.... Do you ever find yourself scrolling through social media, admiring the work of other artists, only...

about 2 months ago • 2 min read

Hey, Reader! When you hear the term "brand", what is the first thing that comes to mind? For most people, the first thing that pops up in their brain is "logo". But your brand is so much more than that. And the truth is, if your branding isn't effective, it could be hurting your business. In this newsletter, I want to break down the ways that your branding could be helping or hurting your business. So, let's dive in, shall we? First of all, let's define the difference between business and...

2 months ago • 3 min read

Hello, Reader! Are you ready to take your brand and web presence to the next level? Today, I'm sharing three actionable tips that you can implement right now to make a big impact on your online presence. Let's dive in! Polish Your Online Persona: Your online presence is often the first impression you make on potential fans, clients, or collaborators. Take a few moments today to review and update your social media profiles, website bio, and professional headshots. Ensure that your branding is...

3 months ago • 2 min read

Hey, Reader! I hope this message finds you well! I've been taking some time off of everything to heal from a back injury. So. Not. Fun. But this newsletter isn't about my supreme clumsiness or obsession with reaching my workout goal, no matter what my body is screaming at me. Nope. This letter is about other things... So without any of my usual long rambles.... It's My Birthday and I'll Discount if I want to! Because birthdays are all about giving, I'm thrilled to announce a special treat...

3 months ago • 1 min read

Hey, Reader! As we step into a brand-new year, it's the perfect time to reflect on the evolution of your brand. If you're finding yourself at a crossroads, wondering whether it's time to shake things up and embrace a fresh identity, this newsletter is for you. Here are some telltale signs that 2024 might just be your year for a rebrand: Your Message Feels Stale:If your brand message doesn't excite you or resonate with your audience anymore, it's a clear sign that you've outgrown your current...

4 months ago • 2 min read

Hey, Reader, can you believe it's December already?! I've barely recovered from Thanksgiving! Speaking of, I hope yours was awesome! Well, I have a bit to unpack so let's get right into it! Updates: If you follow me on Instagram, you've probably noticed some little changes to my aesthetic - yes, I am revamping my rebrand a bit..lot. It happens all too often in the creative community that we're always making little tweaks, updates, and changes to our brand, even after we have a big launch (or...

5 months ago • 1 min read

Hey, Reader! Can you believe that Thanksgiving is this week?! I mean, where did the time go? It seems like last week was Halloween! Anyway, I wanted to pop in and share some of the BF sales that I am running over at Brie Louise Design Studio + a few eco-friendly picks that I am loving! Black Friday Sales! Elevate your online presence with custom design services! Save 40% off my Primadonna Package. This is my biggest package & biggest sale so far and includes a full brand identity + a full...

6 months ago • 1 min read

Hello, Reader! I'm so excited to share that my newly rebranded and revamped website (with new offerings!) will be launching this week! This has been such a long road to get to this point in my brand and I am so very grateful for the guidance, and support (not to mention patience) that I have received from my mentors, my family, my animal "children" and of course, loyal readers like you! To stay in the know about the launch, you can follow me on Instagram at @brielouisedesign and...

6 months ago • 3 min read

Hello, Reader! Have you ever noticed the way a melody can paint vivid images in your mind or how a stunning piece of art can evoke a certain rhythm? It's no coincidence. The worlds of music and design are more interconnected than you might think, and the creative symphony they produce is nothing short of enchanting. As I'm working on my own creative symphony (full rebrand and new web design), I wanted to take a moment and share my thoughts on how music and design work together to inspire each...

7 months ago • 2 min read

Hey, Reader! How are you? Remember when I said that I was going to be more consistent with my emails and this would be more of a weekly visit? Clearly, that didn't last long for me... But in my defense, I honestly did have an email started two weeks ago...I just never got around to finishing it and now that content is no longer relevant, so here I am. Back at the drawing board. Anyway, my chat today is going to be quasi-short as I'm feeling a bit under the weather, but still wanted to make...

7 months ago • 1 min read
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